Library for Use Case

While it is obvious, i think we need to talk a bit about it.

How to do X with Y library

I'm not a web developer, at least not a professional. When i look for answer how to do X in Web, i often find vast number of answers that rely on jQuery. Even if new web developer isn't addicted to jQuery from the beginning, he's going to get addiction eventually. There is just no way to escape jQuery popularity.

And here is rise a problem. jQuery is old library and due to that it is quite big at its core. It can solve, not only X problem but 1...9999 problems. The only downside is that your user should keep 30kb of its code in cache. Let's not talk about how sites can use different versions of the same library...

Find Y library to do X

As of now it is already popular trend. Library should do one thing and do it properly. Old idea, but for some reason it took quite a lot of time for Web Dev to arrive.

I'm not going dive deeply into it. Just don't use jQuery cuz it can do thing you want. Instead, just take a look at native API which in most cases enough.

Small library rises concerns about significant fragmentation in Web Devepment world. While it is a valid concern, it is not a good excuse to use old and reliable bloatware.

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