Act 1

Let's catch them all

These of you who aware of where is Ymir you can guess that way to Celdic is quite long.

But no problems! You got super mecha that can transport you "anywhere".

In quotes cuz actually it is pretty much limited to places where animism retain some inflience in form of monuments.

Activate Spirit Path

Celine call this way of transport: Spirit Path. For simplicity sake we'll call it warp. Cuz short.

Rean with Toval ends up in Lunaria Nature Park. Not far from your actual destination and kinda reminds you about the first game. If you didn't play the first game... Then you should before starting this one.

It turns out that for some reason monsters became more challenging comparing to your first visit in the previous game. Not like you would expect otherwise, but game kinda tells you that. And just a warning: it is actually quite challenging with just Rean and Toval. You just don't have enough DPS sometimes to end battles quick enough to avoid too much of HP losses. That's gonna be especially bothersome if you forgot to stack up healing items as healing spells alone not enough.

Anyway your destination is a nearby merchant town Celdic which is completely occupied by Noble Alliance. Looks dangerous, right? Although our hero is a wanted criminal, guards are pretty relaxed in this town. Mostly because it is far away from battles soldiers have nothing to do except for drinking and harassing people.


First we start by looking for any clues about our bros. After visiting familiar faces from Academy though your efforts turns futile. Rean still has no idea where to look... But then all of sudden some pushy boy is trying to sell newspaper. I must say the boy was too pushy... One might wonder if there is some ulterior motive behind it.

And oh well turns out there is. You got some cryptic message and simple puzzle related to chess. Game does let you think for yourself, but just in case it is even marked the answer for you on map. Anyway our party goes to Highway which is pretty much the same as in the first game.

East Highway

By now one who played the first game should guess the culprit behind puzzle. But regardless it is going open up pretty soon as there is only one additional puzzle after this one. And your destination is windmill near farm. Here you find Machias. Our honor student.

Wild Machias appears

Things get pretty emotional here... After all Rean kinda felt guilty the whole time about leaving his bros. Regardless they catch up pretty quickly and it turns out others with Machias are Elliot and Fie.

But there is a problem: you kinda need to wait for them to come in over radio. According to Machias it'll be a few hours later so you kinda free... Party decides to head back to city and see if they can help out somehow.

As some might remember there is some important guy in Celdic - Market Manager Otto. Last time Rean's been here he were putting some work for them and so party decides to check up with him for any work. After all, this city got nice people that didn't turn your friends in...

Jobs are pretty simple:

  • Go kill some ugly and big monster. Since stationed garrison is just drunken scum you got to do it by yourself.
  • Some church father asks you to gather herbs. Not difficult, but you'll need to back-track to Park. This time with additional help of Machias though it is easier.

After finishing these jobs our party got to go back to windmill to talk over radio with Elliot and Fie. Both of them are pretty happy to hear Rean and your job now is to rendezvous at a mysterious Point D. Machias gonna show you around so no danger of getting lost. Anyway our party needs go further into Highway and pretty soon you gotta stumble upon the Point D.

Here Rean got a surprise.

Wild loli appears

Not everyday you got jump scare from cute loli, right? Frankly Fie is the most adorable loli you can find in this game. And she's the goddess of evasion. By the end of game she can get 100% evasion which means that in 99% every enemy is gonna miss her. And what is better: she can counter attack at ANY DISTANCE. Isn't we got a best tank ever? Who needs a knight in shiny armour when you got cute loli evading all enemy attacks.

Although you cannot make evasion tank right now, you can still admire Fie in battle.

Battle with Ellion and Fie

Since she's raised on a battlefield Fie, as any proper maiden, always got bulk of flash grenades. These grenades can blind your enemies which is already enough for Fie easily evade all attacks. As she told ones: "What fair maiden goes out without grenades?" - Not exact quote, but you should get an idea.

Now one might wonder what about cute little Elliot? Well he's the best healer in the game, in my opinion, but also the most boring character... When you'll get a hang of gameplay, you'll need him only during boss fights anyway, if you'll need him at all.

Also you're introduced to a new feature of battle system. Overdrive - Using Overdrive will restore 30% of your character's HP, EP, CP, give you three extra turns and instant magic cast between the two characters you linked. To use Overdrive you need to fill the Overdrive gauge located at the upper right of your screen, once the gauge is filled up, you can activate Overdrive by holding Right on the Attack Icon and press the confirm button.

Neat, right? Well, it is a simple thing, but gets pretty useful in difficult boss fights. It is useful sometimes to quickly finish boss off without letting him to cripple your party badly. Note though that you can do it only when you're going to abuse some game mechanics :P

Young infiltrators appear

Well, now we're done here. We got band.

But oh well... just leaving on that would be boring. Besides not too far away, Elliot's father fights with Noble Allience forces. Even though his father is quite a awarded general, your bro is a bit worrying over it. What a friend would you be, if you'd let him continue over-worrying...?

Rean decides to attempt to get into a touch with imperial army by the Twin Dragons Bridge. There is a problem though. Fie already scouted area and there is no direct way to get in without getting arrested. She has a bit risky idea though. Go over train tracks which are used mostly for rare military transportation.

You can reach Twin Dragons Bridge pretty quickly.

Twin Dragons Bridge

It is a massive place for sure, but the question runs through your party: how to get onto tracks? There is no welcome sign after all... How you get information in RPG? Tavern. Most military checkpoints in Erebonian Empire got some sorta tavern or lounge where travelers can wait and rest. Here Rean starts search for clues about getting onto tracks which at first isn't very succesful.

Eventually though you stumble upon suspicious guy that knows pretty well about you. Now that's bad, right? After all Rean and his party are wanted criminals... You got yourself into running after him through duct. Very narrow duct i must say. And this is going to be not your first duct. There will be many more places where ducts are necessary for traveling and often you'll get funny commentary among party members.

Pretty soon our band find themselves on tracks with suspicious guy nowhere to find... Well, screw him. Not like he can report you anymore.

Soon you find yourself on other side of Twin Dragons Bridge. There you got a pretty old road to Garrelia Fortress with lots of monsters. If you remember... this fortress got hit pretty badly by the end of the first game. This should be interesting to see...

It should not take too long to reach Garrelia Fortress

Enter Garrelia Fortress

Now you can see what happened with it... and you gonna be surprised by how much this massive piece of metal got devastated.

Remains of Fortress

But our party doesn't got much time to awe. There comes your first unwinnable boss battle, i'm not going to spoil agains whom. Let just say these are nice dudes :)

After that Rean gets two mecha battles. First time you need to beat one of enemies to steal their sword. Which is pretty straightforward.

First again swords

After Rean gets sword there is another battle. This time there is a change. It seems your friends are considered as some sorta a secondary pilots. So you can employ some skills depending whoever you choose.

Mecha battle with Fie as your second

In my case i typically choose Fie as she has the best buff for speed. In this game speed is just that important.

This is the last battle in this act and you got lots of cut scenes. I'm not going spoil you a surprise to enjoy reuinion of Eliot and his father...

But you can overjoy by seeing who is going to join you...

Captain Claire of RMP.

She had a very brief time in the first game, but i already pretty much fallen for her.

You cannot deny charm of older military lady. She might seem to be cold, but she is pretty sweet older sister type. And did i tell you that she's smart, stylish and reliable?

Anyway you can guess how much i adore her...

Wild Captain Claire appears

That concludes the main part of this act. You got a bit catch up with imperial army, but after that Rean and CO use Valimar to get back to Ymir

Even Japanese Super School boys & girls need a day off

You got it right: we got a weekend.

Valimar needs a bit of time to replenish mana so Rean has nothing to do for now.

You got opportunity to try out snowboarding mini game by the way.

Rean on royal snowbord

In addition to that Rean can spend some time on team building. Important stuff, right? Especially because you got two adorable girls to spend time with: Fie and Claire

You even get opportunity to cook with Fie. Well, first time failure awaits you...

Fie cooking lesson

Anyway after weekend you got a new job to do. See you in next chapter!

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